Ополаскиватель для осветленных и седых волос Venita Salon Anty-Yellow Blond & Grey Hair Color Rinse Silver
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- Описание
Когда девушка ставит перед собой определенную цель — она ее достигает. Если у вас в приоритете усиление привлекательности своих локонов и устранение нежелательной желтизны, то вам следует вооружиться этим ополаскивателем от польского бренда Venita. Он защитит цвет ваших прядей и придаст им красивое сияние. Это уникальное средство с не содержащей спирт формулой предназначено для салонного и домашнего использования. С ним заветные желания становятся реальностью.
Особенности Salon Anty-Yellow Blond & Grey Hair Color Rinse Silver от Venita:
- нейтрализует желтизну;
- придает локонам восхитительный серебристый оттенок;
- обладает весьма деликатной формулой без агрессивно воздействующих компонентов;
- не содержит отдушки;
- защищает цвет волос от потери насыщенности;
- универсален в применении.Способ применения: Налейте 1-2 столовые ложки в 2 литра воды, размешайте и ополосните вымытые волосы. Интенсивность цвета зависит от количества добавленного средства.
Ополаскиватель для осветленных и седых волос - Venita Salon Anty-Yellow Blond & Grey Hair Color Rinse Silver
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I liked the color that came out.
Removed the yellow color.
I use the product and I'm happy. Beautifully pulls off yellow tones, my hair is beautifully gray. The rinser also downloaded my stained false dark grey outgrowths. I can recommend.
What about I turned blue
Total satisfaction. My hair is beautifully grey, and where I had a white melir, my hair is silver. The first time I used it, I flushed it badly, and I had my hair blue after being blown out. I had to wash it and shampoo again! Now sheer satisfaction.
Hello. Today, I skimped the product, and no glory. The opkahter didn't get to all the places, more on top of the hair. My hair is rather blue! Otherwise, I have products from you and I'm happy for them, but I'm sadly disappointed by the product.
It has a beautiful color
After first use, you can see that it works, giving the hair a
nice silvery shine
Satisfaction, I lightened my black hair to blond, but it made me a trickle what I wanted.
Excellent product only with an application you notice the use immediately and the hair remains soft
If you use it according to the description (proper dilution), it is perfect.
You should not do much of it, because it grasp the very blonde strands blue.
Good but very liquid and uncomfortable because it should be diluted with water
Utter satisfaction.
Carefully dispense otherwise blue hair
As many positive reviews I've seen, I expect something better, unfortunately, it's not ok, and the worry I made to my girl who had professionally done gray hair, GREEN
Tried. It's a gorgeous product promoted!
very liquid product but tonalizes the hair well with yellow tone being of a very pigmented purple color.
the first product that meets my expectations, perfect
Works perfectly
A package arrived today, I tried right away, I use shampoos too, but this is a complete bomb
Perfect, with little amount you get the balance right. After trying a lot of expensive products I found the right one.